' 80040e14' – too many arguments specified | SQL Server Performance Forums

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‘ 80040e14’ – too many arguments specified

Hi, I am getting this error "’ 80040e14′ – too many arguments specified" in the line rstStoredProc.Open cmdStoredProc, , adExecuteNoRecords where rstStoredProc is a recordset used in loop, and error comes for the 2nd iteration(for first iteration it gives the result).
.Although i have closed the recordset and has set it as nothing at the end of loop and again defined it at the start of loop.
Any body , any idea.. MN Taneja
sounds that you specified more values than the number of columns
Post the query you used Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
Yes better to post the code here
problem solved. Thank u all

How did you solve it? Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
hi mntaneja, I am interrested in this issue, can you please post details on the solution AKTHAR DILMOHAMUD