Trouble with DTS package | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Trouble with DTS package

I have built a DTS package to copy one database into a new, empty database. I have used two different servers, locally and remotely for both servers. I have rebooted and come back to this problem a few days later. I have tried used SQL and NT registration, but I cannot get the package to execute. The error message that I get states: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The login ‘HGAC’ does not exist" But, I dont, nor have a ever had a HGAC login on either server. And, I am logging in as ‘sa’ or with windows authentification as myself(no I am not HGAC) with full admin privileges. When I run a trace with the profiler, everything seems to be cranking away, creating tables, then it hits "Audit logout" and stops. The timestamp on the audit logout precedes the timstamp of the tables that were and did get created by about 1 minute. Why does SQL Server think that I am trying to login as ‘HGAC’? Thanks for any help. Archer
I figured it out. I had a local user in my database that I inherited that was not a global user SQL Server. I deleted the local user and now am waiting for 4 gigs to copy over. Thanks. Archer