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I am trying to install MDAC2.8 on to a workstation, but keep getting the following error message: Setup cannot be completed because an error was encountered during setup. Has anyone come across this error message before? How did you manage to resolve it? Jason
For more information about these components and lists of DLL files that must be copied and registered during the installation process, see the file Redist.txt on the SQL Server 2000 compact disc. Your setup application must install the files needed by these additional components after installing MDAC. And get more information on MDAC 2.8 from this KBA here.
Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
I think hes just installing MDAC, not writing a setup which includes MDAC Check to see if any log files exist in the setup directory
Also check the windows event log, and make sure youre running the correct MDAC 2.8 installer: I think XP has a seperate one called 2.8 Refresh or something
Open the "dasetup.log" and check for info there. There is also an KB here: MDAC Setup Troubleshooting Guide;EN-US;232060
I have now managed to isolate the problem (I need to reinstall the ODBC components). Thanks for you help