a/p cluster disklayout | SQL Server Performance Forums

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a/p cluster disklayout

Hi all,
I’m designing a active/passive 2 node clustering solution on Windows 2003 Enterprise and SQL Server 2000 Enterprise and I’m a bit confused on the disklayout.
Designidea as follows: C: OS, Local Disk RAID 1
D: SQL Srv. binaries, Local disk RAID 1
E: SQL Srv. system db’s, FC SAN RAID 1+0 (master, model, msdb, tempdb)
F: user db’s, FC SAN RAID 5
G: user db’s logfiles, FC SAN RAID 1+0
H: backup of all db’s, FC SAN RAID 5
Q: quorum disk, FC SAN RAID 1+0 Questions:
– is it a good idea to put the sql srv. system db’s on a SAN disk? or is it better (or necessary) to keep them on a local disk?
– does the quorum disk need to be on the SAN? Any help to the questions or other suggestions are highly appreciated.
Dan Ackermann
All databses have to be on SAN. Quorum has to be on SAN. The only thing on local disk are OS and the SQL binaries.