Adding disks to a cluster | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Adding disks to a cluster

I added disks to the server. Now I am adding them to the SQL cluster.
1) I added them as a resource. When I try to add SQL Server as a dependency I receive the following error: An error has occurred when attempting to add disk l:
The operation could not be completed b/c the cluster resource is online.
Error Id: 5019 My question: Do I have to bring offline both cluster resources (IP info and name info) for my changes to take effect?
What ramifications does bringing the cluster resource down have? Does it require a reboot?
I am not at all familiar with Clustering, so any info is appreciated K’

You need to take the SQL Server resoruce offline to add a new disk as a dependancy and then start it back up. It has the same ramifications as stopping and starting a non clustered SQL server instance.
Right click on the SQL Server Resource and click on Take Offline, go into properties then on the dependancies tab select modify then add the drive. Raulie
You can’t add the dependency the sql resource is online…
So just follow Raulie directions to take offline add the disks…
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