Agent retry Attempts | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Agent retry Attempts

Does anyone know were the retry attempts for a job are stored? I have replication agents that are set to retry 10 times. It seems to me that these are stored somewhere because they will sometimes fail after 1 or 2 retries, saying that the job has tried 10 times. I am looking for a way to reset this retry value that is stored somewhere….to avoid phone calls in the middle of the night for replication failures of one or two times. Any help is greatly appriciated
May track the events using PROFILER in such case, check any information from error log. _________
Satya SKJ

Retry attempts for a job can be set for each step in the job. Open the job’s properties, then select the step you want to change the retry attempts for, click the Edit button to edit the step, and in the Advanced tab you will find the retry attempts as well as the retry interval minutes. Make the neccessary changes, apply, then do the same for any other steps. In addition, you can set the retry attempts using the stored procedure, sp_update_jobstep. Just pass the job name, the step id and the retry attempts as follows: EXEC sp_update_jobstep @job_name = ‘JobToUpdate’, @step_id = 1, @retry_attempts = 1

Get more information from SYSJOBSTEPS system table about retry attempts for this job.
Or use SP_HELP_JOBHISTORY to return the appropriate information. Satya SKJ
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