Analysis service -View data | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Analysis service -View data

hello guys,
I want to view Olap information from Analysis server through some visual browser. Now, I’m connecting my application with a pivot control to analysis server
Works fine, but: Im using remotely , and i have security problems: – analysis servers use windows authentication security, and my application users haven’t accounts on windows, its not aplicable.
– web controls are not secure, u can extract connection information.
does exist other control that solves this problems?
can i interact between view control and olap server? does any one know how to solve this?
Thanks in advanc
Analysis Services implements cube security roles based on Windows NT user accounts. Basically, you create one or more local Windows NT user accounts on the server and assign them to a SQL Server database role. You then assign the database role to a cube role and assign it to the specific cube. The cube role essentially inherits the Windows NT user ID and password credentials. You can then add the user ID and password credentials to the OLAP data source connection string.