Backup User Databases Using a Maintenance Plan

5. In the Select Maintenance Tasks screen you need to choose Back up Databases (Full), Backup Databases (Differential) and Back up Database (Transactional Log) as shown in the below snippet and then click Next to continue with the wizard.

6. In the Select Maintenance Task Order screen you can choose the order in which the tasks you have selected in the previous screen needs to be executed by the SSIS package once the maintenance plan is successfully created. However, since you want each task to be executed in a separate schedule, the options to move the task order is not enabled. Click Next to continue with the wizard.


7. In Define Back up Database (Full) Task screen, click on databases(s) drop down list where you need to select AdventureWorks database as shown in the below snippet & click OK to save changes. Then you need to select the option Create a backup file for every database, next select the checkbox, Create a sub-directory for each database and then provide the folder location where you want the databases backups to be stored along with the file extension as “bak”. If you are interested in verifying backup integrity then you can select Verify backup integrity option. In SQL Server 2008, Microsoft introduced much awaited inbuilt database backup compression feature. If you want database to be backed up using backup compression feature then you can choose “Compressed Backup” option in the dropdownlist. To know more about database backup compression feature of SQL Server 2008 you can refer to my previous article titled “How to configure and Use Database Backup Compression in SQL Server 2008”. Finally click on Change… button to provide the schedule for taking Full Database backups. Click Next to continue with the wizard.

8. In the Define Back up Database (Differential) Task screen, click on databases(s) drop down list where you need to select AdventureWorks database as shown in the below snippet & click OK to save changes. Then you need to select the option Create a backup file for every database, next select the checkbox, Create a sub-directory for each database checkbox and then provide the folder location where you want the databases backups to be stored along with the file extension as “diff”. If you are interested in verifying backup integrity then you can select Verify backup integrity option. In SQL Server 2008, Microsoft introduced much awaited inbuilt database backup compression feature. If you want database to be backed up using backup compression feature then you can choose “Compressed Backup” option in the dropdownlist. Finally click on Change… button to provide the schedule for taking Differential Database backups. Click Next to continue with the wizard.
9. In the Define Back up Database (Transactional Log) Task screen, click on databases(s) drop down list where you need to select AdventureWorks database as shown in the below snippet & click OK to save changes. Then you need to select the option Create a backup file for every database, next select the checkbox, Create a sub-directory for each database checkbox and then provide the folder location where you want the databases backups to be stored along with the file extension as “trn”. If you are interested in verifying backup integrity then you can select Verify backup integrity option. In SQL Server 2008, Microsoft introduced much awaited inbuilt database backup compression feature. If you want database to be backed up using backup compression feature then you can choose “Compressed Backup” option in the dropdownlist. Finally click on Change… button to provide the schedule for taking Transactional Log backup. Click Next to continue with the wizard.



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