Bookmark Lookup problem | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Bookmark Lookup problem

I’m using a FullText CONTAINSTABLE which is doing a Remote Scan and returning 2000 rows,
this is INNER JOINED on the base table , which then does a BOOKMARK LOOKUP on the recordset returned from CONTAINSTABLE and the base table Join. On the Execution Plan , I’m getting an estimated RowCount of 2000 and ActualRowCount of 3. Why is there such a disparity , is there a way to bring these 2 figures closer , which to me indicate an indexing problem.? Also, is there a way to UPDATE STATISTICS on Full text indexes on SQL 2000 ? ___________________________________
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Take care when debugging varchar indexes columns. A classic problem is related to application passing in unicode literals but the column searched over in the database table is non-unicode. This may of course be vice-versa depending on your senario. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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