Building Time Dmiension | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Building Time Dmiension

I have a Time Dimension table which has years from 1900– 2100 can I build the dimension table which only pulls data from 1975 – 2010 ..
One avenue you can take is create a view with your year requirments and use that as your time dimension in the cube or use the source table filter property to filter out the dimension members.
Hewlett-Packard Company
When I use the Filter option I get the following error .My input source is Oracle for the Dimension table . The Column expression must be a qualified with the table name ,near select * from dw_date_dim where year_nbr between 1970 and 2000
Can some one tell me where i am going wrong

Raulie When I use the Filter option I get the following error .My input source is Oracle for the Dimension table . The Column expression must be a qualified with the table name ,near select * from dw_date_dim where year_nbr between 1970 and 2000
quote:Originally posted by Raulie One avenue you can take is create a view with your year requirments and use that as your time dimension in the cube or use the source table filter property to filter out the dimension members.
Hewlett-Packard Company

My guess is that it is telling you put the table name plus column name. Example
FROM mytable.mycolumn
Hewlett-Packard Company