Calculated Measure | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Calculated Measure

I have a measure of of Unit cost * sales at the fact table level . I need to create a formula of Sum of (Unit cost * sales ) My question was when I created the measure The Aggregate function for that is Sum .My question was if I create a calculated member as Sum of the measure (Unit cost * sales ) would it give me a correct values
It will yeild inaccurate results. Use a Calculated member and not a derived measure instead when multiplying/Dividing one column from another. Calculated Members are calculated after aggregations are created as opposed to Derived measures. If your derived measure invlolves multiplying one column by a constant (Unit Sales * 1.5) then it doesnt matter.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Would it be correct If I created a derived measure of Unit Sales * 1.5 and then in the calculated member i only doo a division and not a sum since the Cube would already sum the data and get it .
quote:Originally posted by Raulie It will yeild inaccurate results. Use a Calculated member and not a derived measure instead when multiplying/Dividing one column from another. Calculated Members are calculated after aggregations are created as opposed to Derived measures. If your derived measure invlolves multiplying one column by a constant (Unit Sales * 1.5) then it doesnt matter.
Hewlett-Packard Company

I’m not following your last question, basically if your derived measure is a multiplication by a constant then setting the aggregation to SUM is not a problem, so after that in a calculated member you can do what ever you want with it. Raulie
Hewlett-Packard Company