Clustering SQL in a Virtualized Prod Environment | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Clustering SQL in a Virtualized Prod Environment

A question is asked in Brad’s webcast (KF89179<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-11.gif’ alt=’8)’ />: is it possible/desirable to create a SQL server cluster using virtalized servers in a Prod environment. The answer given was "no, no point". Can anyone tell me why exactly ? Does the same apply if the 2 virtual servers making up the 2 nodes of the failover cluster were on different physical servers ? <br /><br />TIA<br />Bryn
Hi Bryn, I think that the answer is given because if it is important enough to cluster then surely it is important enough to run on physical boxes. Virtualisation is great for underutilised servers, but not really useful for heavy database work… Cheers