Compare Views and User Defined Function | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Compare Views and User Defined Function

Hi ; I have a senario in which I have to create three views b/c few joining tables are changed on the basis of one parameter. Now, I am thinking to merge them into on UDF using Parameter. Now, I have two question: 1- Which is better to use either Views or Function with respect to performance. 2- B/c I can’t create parameter into Views so I had to create three views for the same stored procedure and I am calling them on the basis of different paramenter value. Now, I have to create the function which can take input parameter and give me different result set on the basis of my input values and I will use that function into my stored procedure. The problem is that I am trying to use the following syntax but it is not working. ********************************** Create Function fn_GetContact
( @Param varchar(20) = ‘A’ )
Returns table As Return (
If @Param = ‘A’
Select * from tblNameA
Else If @Param = ‘B’
Select * from tblNameB
Select * from tblNameC
) ********************************** Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. Essa, M. Mughal
Software Engineer
Create Function fn_GetContact
( @Param varchar(20) = ‘A’ )
Returns @Contacts table
(column1 column1Type,
column2 column2type,
columnN columnNtype
) As
if @Param = ‘A’ insert into @Contacts Select column1, …, columnN from tblNameA
If @Param = ‘B’ insert into @Contacts Select column1, …, columnN from tblNameB
Else insert into @Contacts Select column1, …, columnN from tblNameC Return
For table function syntax and examples see BOL. You can also use Query Analiser template for creatign new table function.
Read about the difference between multi-statement table-valued functions and inline table-valued functions. — Rediscover the web
