copy a diagram | SQL Server Performance Forums

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copy a diagram

Hi, is it possible to copy a diagram from Microsoft Visual Studio 2005? (The right click does not offer us this possibility….)
why do you need to copy schema diagram.
I have used analysis manager and don’t have any option to copy the schema diagram.
Do you need it for documentation purpose then you can use print screen.
Or if you mean copying a cube is possible.
thanks for your response;
in fact, I want to know that because it could be useful to insert a diagram in a document.
You’ve said it is possible to copy a cube…how?
as i said to insert the schema diagram in a document,
open the cube in edit mode using analysis manager and then select schema tab so that diagram will be displayed.
press alt+print screen and then paste the clipboard data in mspaint. similarly to copy a cube right click on any desired cube in analysis manager.

ok, thank you very much for your help;
Thank god that helped you, as i’ve started working
on data warehousing 2weeks back.