Copy Data within same Database | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Copy Data within same Database

I have an issue:
1) trying to copy data only from table1 (Col2) into table2 witout having to recontruct the complete table.
both tables have the same column name and structure and I only need the data in that column from table 1 to put into table 2. Tried using temp tables to extract out and still no luck, keep getting error message pretaining to fields missing.
I dont understand the problem really create table newtable (id int)
insert into newtable (id) select oldid from oldtable Wouldnt this work?
Post sample script to see what you are trying to do and what error you are getting?
Mohammed U.
AgentId into #temp from dbo.Agent select * from #temp later
set ansi_warnings off
insert into dbo.License
AgentId from #temp Server: Msg 213, Level 16, State 4, Line 2
Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

specify a field list for License when you insert into it
insert into dbo.License(AgentID)select AgentId from #temp BTW
there is no need of temp table here… u could have directly done that….
insert into dbo.License(AgentID)select AgentId from dbo.Agent

set ansi_warnings off
insert into dbo.License(AgentID)select AgentId from dbo.Agent Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘RemindMe’, table ‘Test_Org.dbo.License’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.

Here License table has got more than one non-null column.
So while running any INSERT you need to specify all the column names and then if you want you can even insert some dummy values like. For eg: Insert License(Agentid,RemindMe)
SELECT agentid, 0 from agent if this fail with same error message for other columns, specify that column in insert the same way.
But Can you explain what are you trying to achive?