Creating parameters, problem in Oracle | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Creating parameters, problem in Oracle

It appears that Oracle does not support the @parameters like in SQL, so I am having a problem adding parameters in my reports, (ie: adding dropdown list at the top of my report to add filtering capabilities).
The only way I’ve seen this done is from the webcast (on Dec 12 by Snoman), where he adds the @Parameter.
Is there another way to accomplish this functionality in our reports if we are using a DB other than SQL Server?? thanks in advance! d
Now I don’t have Oracle handy to test this but I think you need to use the colon(<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ /> instead of the @ e.g. <pre>select * from sales where salesid = <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-7.gif’ alt=’:s’ />alesid</pre> although BOL indicates it does depend on which driver you use <br /><br />"Support for parameters in Oracle depends on the data provider that is used to connect to the Oracle database. If your query contains named parameters (for example, SELECT * FROM &lt;table&gt; WHERE &lt;column name&gt; = <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-4.gif’ alt=’:p‘ />arameterName) then you must use the Oracle data processing extension. If your query contains unnamed parameters (for example, SELECT * FROM &lt;table&gt; WHERE &lt;column name&gt; = ?), then you must use the OLE DB data processing extension and select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle as a data provider."<br /><br />HTH<br /><br />Jasper Smith
thanks, it was the ‘?’ .
much appreciated.