DTS execute myprogram.exe error | SQL Server Performance Forums

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DTS execute myprogram.exe error

Hello, I can execute my dts lot when it is open, i can also execute it when i lauch directly, but when i plannifier it, i have this error :
Error : -2147024893 (80070003) ;
the folder specified isn’t find I use logic lector lire R: for \myservermysharedI try without and it seem be better. Could you explain my the problem ? Thanks and sorry for my poor english.
Oh i have forget to say, it is an sql server 2000 version
As i understood you are having a problem when scheduling the DTS. am I correct
check this
quote:Originally posted by atRennes Hello, I can execute my dts lot when it is open, i can also execute it when i lauch directly, but when i plannifier it, i have this error :
Error : -2147024893 (80070003) ;
the folder specified isn’t find I use logic lector lire R: for \myservermysharedI try without and it seem be better. Could you explain my the problem ? Thanks and sorry for my poor english.

Thanks. I try to change my directories based on net drive by UTC convention like \servershared but i’m surprise.
This restriction are also apply to my process on my exe.
Why ?
It’s very incredible.
U mean you can’t access that folder from the exe?
if so please check the permissions on th efolder
quote:Originally posted by atRennes This restriction are also apply to my process on my exe.
Why ?
