DTS From One Server To Another | SQL Server Performance Forums

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DTS From One Server To Another

I am new to SQL server so please bare with me. I have excel files residing in a folder on my webserver. I want to set up a DTS package that will grab the excel files on the webserver and populate a table on my sql server(seperate machines). I have no problems when i try this process on the same machine but how can i transfer the files across a network?
Are you saying you are having problems when you do it across the network? If this is the case then you need to follow this checklist-
1. Start SQL Server in some user account rather than system account.
2. Share the folder containing excel sheets and give read permissions to the user account(used to start SQL Server) on this folder. I think this should solve your problem. Gaurav
Thanks for the quick reply. I was told to use UNC to transfer the Files?

Pardon me for my ignorance. What do you mean by UNC? Gaurav
Universal Naming Convention, which you use as \servernamepathfilename. _________
Satya SKJ

Thanks Satya! Macker, transfer of file is not required for your operation. Gaurav