DTS Package as a scheduled Job | SQL Server Performance Forums

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DTS Package as a scheduled Job

I have a complicated DTS package that was created by a third party software company. When I run this package using Enterprise Manager the package completes without error. When I save this package as a local package and run it using Enterprise Manager the package completes without error, but when I try to schedule this package the following error appears:<br /><br />Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package<br />Step Error Description:The system cannot find the file specified.<br />(Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package (80070002): The system cannot find the file specified.)<br />Step Error code: 80070002<br />Step Error Help File<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-7.gif’ alt=’:s’ />qldts80.hlp<br />Step Error Help Context ID:1100 <br /><br />I have changed the SQL Server Agent to log on as myself but I still get the above error message. The file that it is looking for in on the computer.
check this:
I guess that the package refers somewhere to the file (probably log file) with a path that does not exist on your computer.