(DTS)Table does not exist in the system catalog. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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(DTS)Table does not exist in the system catalog.

Hi Guys, I have a query about DTS.
While I run one DTS Package which is actually doing the
Droping a table,
re-creating and copying data from source database(server1) to destination database (server2) In both place I use SA password
I get an error while I execute this package. Step Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Step Error Description:Cannot drop the table ‘xyz.dbo.F0014’, because it does not exist in the system catalog.
Step Error code: 80040E37
Step Error Help File:
Step Error Help Context ID:0 What could be the reason? Thanks in advance

DTS will generate error if create destination table is selected and if it’s already present.
Same way if destination object is not present and if you select drop and recreate will also produce error.
So better do the checking in activex script
Dear ranjit,
while I create the DTS package to import/export, I specify the option "to drop and re-create" We have the table in the database in server-x
we want to DTS the table (not only records we want the structure as well, coz we need to change the struction of source very often) into another database in server-y. we used creating this package through client use sa as well as windows auth. It was giving the about said error. But when I tried the same steps from one of the server, it worked. My problem is solved, but not cleared why it is happened. Thanks
Check the user rights. USer who is accessing the table from DTS needs to have access right to the table —————————————-
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yes dinesh,
I was mentioned in the post that we have tried DTS package with "sa" —————
we used creating this package through client use sa as well as windows auth.
————— I think "SA" has the all rights in all databases in a server. what is this error message
"Step Error Description:Cannot drop the table ‘xyz.dbo.F0014’, because it does not exist in the system catalog." stands for? -Johnson