Dynamic File Name | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Dynamic File Name

I need to create a DTS package where I will be loading data from a file which will be named as File_name_XXXXXXXX.dat where XXXXXXXX will be the date. Is it possible to create a package where I can specify File_name_*.dat as a input file and when we run the package every file which meets the criteria is loaded in the DB. Thank You, Princy

You could use an ActiveX Script Task in your DTS package to read the file name in from the file system, stick it in a package variable and then use it in the rest of the package to do the import.
And also you can take help of Global variables and go thru thishttp://search.freefind.com/find.html?id=3955644&pid=r&mode=all&n=0&query=global variables link fyi. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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