encript dts package | SQL Server Performance Forums

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encript dts package

Is there a way I can encript a DTS package? Cheers!
I don’t know much about DTS, but for the questions I had I always found an answer onhttp://www.sqldts.com Frank
I think its not possible, but you can encrypt the command prompt options to be executed by the DTS Run utility, allowing you to create an encrypted dtsrun command for later use. Refer to books online for DTSRun utility for more information. May I know what is the reason behind encrypt process?
Satya SKJ

Satya, The company where Im at does not have a very secure infrastucture so Im just taking precatious measures. Thanks Cheers!
Then you may refer to SQL books online about Handling Package Security in DTS topic for information on security in DTS packages. You can add more security by saving each DTS Package and assigning a owner password and/or a user password. _________
Satya SKJ

Gracias! Cheers!