Exec Process Task w/ Batch File | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Exec Process Task w/ Batch File

I have an execute process task in a DTS that executes a
batch file. This batch file is designed to pull a text file from an ftp site.
The batch file works when it’s executed from Windows Explorer
and drops the text file into the same folder with the batch file.
When I run my DTS and the Execute Process Task runs, it appears
that the batch file executes, but the text file is not where
I expected it (in the folder with the batch file). Can anyone please
tell me what’s going on here? Where is the text file going? Thanks.
Are you executing the task directly from the server or locally from your pc?
I’ve been testing the DTS on my PC and it places the file at C:MSSQL7BINN<br />That’s fine except I want to run the DTS as a scheduled job. When I’ve tested<br />it as a scheduled job I don’t know where the file goes and haven’t been able<br />to locate it on the server. I tried starting my batch file with CHDIR to see<br />if it would drop the ftp’d file on the network where I’d like it located, but<br />that didn’t work. [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-6.gif’ alt=’:(‘ />]<br />Thanks for any advice you may have.
Run profiler to monitor the event and ensure the SQL Service account has required privilege to perform the tasks defined. Satya SKJ
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