EXport to EXCEl sheet | SQL Server Performance Forums

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EXport to EXCEl sheet

Hello Folks,
I need a favour that I have a table with all differnt clients with qutarly data
Client Data1 Data2 Date
AAAAA d1 d2 1/1/2006
AAAAA d3 d3 1/1/2006
AAAAA d4 d4 2/1/2006
AAAAA d5 d5 2/1/2006
something like this. I need to create a DTS which export data from this TABLE and put into EXCEL with REPORT_AAAAA.XLS in this data1 & data2 & date coulmns should display for each month it should create a Sheet Jan(All Jan Data) Next sheet FEB all feb data. Thanks

Any help?
Export the raw data to an Excel sheet, and let Excel crunch it – it’s actually very good at that.