Faster index creation | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Faster index creation

I have a table that contains about 170 million rows. Monthly I drop all the indexes, load new data (about a million more records), and recreate the indexes. It’s getting to where the index creation is just taking WAY too long. Any suggestions on how to cut the time down? I looked up some stuff on SORT_IN_TEMPDB and tried that with no success. tempdb is on another disk, but it still didn’t speed it up. Indexes are taking about 1.5 hours a piece to create. There are 12 indexes on the table, so it’s getting to be a bit much. PLEASE let me know if you have any tricks. Thanks,

Why you are droping the index. You can insert data and reindex the table with DBCC REINDEX
quote:I have a table that contains about 170 million rows. Monthly I drop all the indexes, load new data (about a million more records), and recreate the indexes.

Is clustered index on identity column?
In which order do you drop and recreate the indexes? —
Frank Kalis
SQL Server MVP
