Fields that must be hidden or displayed in web app | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Fields that must be hidden or displayed in web app

Hi, I have a ‘Users#%92 table in which I have a set of fields that I want the user decides if show them or not in the web application. How can I manage this in the db? Perhaps create another table, for example: Table name: data_visibility
Data_v_id = 250, 251, 252, 253
User_num = 47, 47, 47, 47
Data_name = State, City, Address, Zip_code
ShowHide = 1, 1, 0, 0 So, this means user 47 want to show State and City, and want to hide Address and Zip_code. But then, how can I write the SP so that only returns to the app State and City?
Select @State_cont = State_cont, @City_cont = City_cont, @Address_cont = Address_cont, @Zip_code_cont = Zip_code_cont From Users As us JOIN data_visibility As d_vis
On us.User_id = d_vis.User_num Where ??¿¿ Thanks
Hi, Your data_visibility table
25347Zip_code0 The query
FROM Users AS us
data_visibility AS d_vis
ON us.User_id = d_vis.User_num
WHERE us.User_id = @User_ID
AND d_vis.ShowHide = 1 the result: State1
you now know which option to set enable or not in your web application.

Hi again, In ‘data_visibility#%92 table I have also other records that are from other parts of the website, and in this case I only want to return ‘data visibility#%92 for a specified page. So, I don#%92 t want to return all the records of a user for (d_vis.ShowHide = 1). Instead I would want to return something like this: (I don#%92 t know if it works, I explain my idea to ask your opinion) USE market52
CREATE PROC show_data
@User_num bigint, @Obligatory_field1 smallint output, @Obligatory_field2 varchar(50) output, @Obligatory_field3 int output,.., @State_cont smallint output, @City_cont int output, @Adress_cont varchar(50) output, @Zip_code_cont char(9) output,..
AS Select @Obligatory_field1 = us. Obligatory_field1, @Obligatory_field2 = us. Obligatory_field2, @Obligatory_field3 = Obligatory_field3,… ,
@State_cont = Case
When d_vis.data_num = 1 And d_vis.ShowHide = 1 Then us.State_cont Else Null End
, @City_cont = Case
When d_vis.data_num = 2 And d_vis.ShowHide = 1 Then us.City_cont Else Null End, @Adress_cont = Case
When d_vis.data_num = 3 And d_vis.ShowHide = 1 Then us.Address_cont Else Null End, @Zip_code_cont = Case
When d_vis.data_num = 4 And d_vis.ShowHide = 1 Then us.Zip_code_cont Else Null End,.. From Users As us Left Join data_visibility As d_vis
On us.User_id = d_vis.User_num Where us.User_id = @User_Id GO Then in the web application I will write something like this: If @State_cont Is Not Null Then
‘Show user State contact information
‘Not show this data
End If
If @City_cont Is Not Null Then
‘Show user City contact information
‘Not show this data
End If etc,.. Thanks
Hi,<br />so you have to select some data_num depend on the web page the user is.<br /><br />then you need to know what data_num you have to select depend on the web page, so you need to keep this configuration in any place, for example a table.<br /><br />now you’d have four tables:<br /><br />1. user (user_num, name, city, state…)<br />2. data_visibility (data_v_id, user_num, data_num, showhide)<br />3. data_num (data_num, description..)<br />4. webpage_datanum (webpage_id, data_num)<br /><br /><pre id="code"><font face="courier" size="2" id="code"><br />user table:<br />47JohnZaragozaSpain<br />48Karen BarcelonaSpain<br /><br />data_visibility table:<br />2504711<br />2514721<br />2524730<br /><br />data_num table:<br />1city<br />2state<br />3address<br /><br />webpage_datanum table:<br />0011<br />0012<br />0021<br />0022<br />0023<br /><br /><br />SELECT <br /> (what you need, using case… o whatever) <br />FROM user a <br />INNER JOIN <br /> data_visibility b <br /> ON a.user_num = b.user_num <br />INNER JOIN <br /> data_num c <br /> ON b.data_num = c.data_num <br />INNER JOIN <br /> webpage_datanum d <br /> ON c.data_num = d.data_num <br /> AND d.webpage_id = @webpage_id <br />WHERE a.user_num = @user_num<br /><br /></font id="code"></pre id="code"><br /><br />this could be a solution <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />
This looks very good <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />, I think I will implement it.<br />By the way, instead of ‘webpage_datanum#%92 table as you said, what about this?:<br /><br /><b>‘webpage_datanum#%92 table:</b><br />web_page_id (PK)<br />web_page_description<br /><br />And then <b>‘data_visibility#%92 table:</b><br />Data_v_id (PK)<br />User_num (FK)<br />Data_num (FK)<br />Web_page_num (FK)<br />ShowHide (FK) <br /><br />In this way we eliminate the need of two joins, and only would be:<br /><br />SELECT <br /> b.Data_num, b.ShowHide <br />FROM user a <br /><br />INNER JOIN <br /> data_visibility b <br /> ON a.user_num = b.user_num<br /> AND b.Web_page_num = @webpage_id <br /> <br />WHERE a.user_num = @user_num<br /><br />What do you think?<br /><br />Thank you<br />
Hi, Yes, it’s better. Good remark.