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about distributed partition view

I created table aa1 in sql server host a©s
create table aa1 (factory_code varchar(4),ymday varchar(10),qty int
constraint pk_aa1 primary key (factory_code,ymday),
constraint ck_aa1 check (factory_code=’312′ ),
constraint ck_aa1_2 check (ymday between ‘2003/07/01’ and ‘2003/07/30’)
) Created table aa2 sql server host b(the database’s name is TEST)©s
create table aa2 (factory_code varchar(4),ymday varchar(10),qty int
constraint pk_aa2 primary key (factory_code,ymday),
constraint ck_aa2 check (factory_code=’311′ ),
constraint ck_aa2_2 check (ymday between ‘2003/07/01’ and ‘2003/07/30’)
) 3.created a link server in sql server b,the link server’s is TEST. 4.create a view in host a:
create vies r_aa as
select * from aa1
union all
select * from test.test.dbo.aa2 I can select all rows from this view,but I can’t insert or update any data into it.
The error message means OLE DB Provider ‘SQLOLEDB’ can’t suports distributed transactiion. Any suggestion??? Thanks!
Are you using the latest version of MDAC? What are the versions and service packs of SQL Server? In the mean time have a look at
http://dbforums.com/arch/30/2003/2/691133 Gaurav
Many hanks for Gaurav’s help.
I using MDAC2.6 and SQL Server service packs 3.
and the service of MSDTC is running.