Active/Active Clustering and Data refresh | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Active/Active Clustering and Data refresh

Is the possible to set up clustering as described below Set up SQL Server 2005 Cluster
Install two instances of SQL Server in this cluster in which one
will fail over the other
First Instance will hold Staging Database where all my batch programs will run
Second Instance will hold Production Database. The production database should
be refreshed from the staging data daily
To refresh the production data,I have the following options
Use replication
Log Shipping
Custom Stored Procedures
Database mirroring Please advice it is possible to do a these things
What are the options which I have mentioned for refresing will work in active-active clustering?

Why do you need cluster for this type of setup?
You can use normal SQL server installation and use Replication or Log shipping to maintain the data integrity & consistency. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided �AS IS� with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Yes. The client insists on Clustering setup The main thing I would like to know is
is it possible to set up Replication/Logshipping between the clustered instances
