Adding a constraint to a table fails. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Adding a constraint to a table fails.

Hi All, First, apologies if this has been asked in the forums before, but I have been having
trouble in adding a constraint to a table. I had previously dropped all the constraints on a database (SQL 2000) and then copied
over my data, when I scripted out the constraints to add them back some of them were
update some were not. Below is what I was running in Query Analyzer: ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Reason] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Reason_ReasonType] FOREIGN KEY
) REFERENCES [ReasonType] (
GO Result: Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint ‘FK_Reason_ReasonType’. The conflict occurred in database ‘SecurityMaster3’, table ‘ReasonType’, column ‘ReasonTypeId’. Not sure if there was corrupted data on the ReasonType table but both databases were I am synchronizing to have the same data. I appreciate any help you can give.
– are the column names correct ?
– are the columns of the same datatype ? (and length)
May be data might be missing in the FK table… If you don’t care then try to create FK with NOCHECK option.. MohammedU.
Moderator All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.

See thsi blog:…e-when-you-create-foreign-key-constraint.aspx and try to correct the issues mentioned. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information on it.