Alanysis Services Memory Utilization | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Alanysis Services Memory Utilization

I am having a bit of aproblem with performance on our newly installed SSAS 2005. Whenever a user tries to browse the cube data, CPU utilization hits 100% and other users’ sometimes get terminated. I have checked on the memory use by SSAS 2005 and this never goes beyond 250MB. However, my server has 3GB and at least over 1.5 GB free at any time.
Question is: is it possible to force SSAS 2005 to use up at least 1.5GB or even 2GB of ram? I am hoping this will speed up the queries coz the data will be resident in memory most of the time as opposed to now whereby the data has to be fetched from hard disk whenever a user performs a query.
Have you checked under books online about monitoring the performance and optimizing such events in this regard. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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