Alerts based on duration of an event | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Alerts based on duration of an event

Hi all,
I have been a sql developer for the last 6 years and have suddenly been thrust into a more administrative role in my new job. I am looking for the best way to set up automated monitoring so I dont have to go in and check each server all the time. In particular I would like to know how to set up alerts for bottle necks such as % processor being over 80% for more than 10 mins. I can set it up to email or net send me each time it goes over 80%, even delaying it by 10 mins each time, but I dont want to know about short spikes that last for less than 10 mins. Can either profiler or sql agent provide this sort of timed automated alerting, or is there another tool out there that does?
Thanks in advance
Set up a text file with an INSERT statement. Use "Run this program" and osql.exe to run the batch file and add entries to a table in SQL Server. You can then have automated jobs that read the tables, search for dynamic parameters, etc. You might also want to check out Quest Software. It’s a very good monitoring tool. NetIQ or MOM would also give you the functionality you want. MeanOldDBA
[email protected] When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.