Allocation Error on SQL 2005 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Allocation Error on SQL 2005

Hi all I am getting this error message on one of my servers. Has anyone encountered this before?
I got this error message last night and night before around the same time. Message
Error [36, 17, 145] occurred while attempting to drop allocation unit ID 463195007221760 belonging to worktable with partition ID 463195007221760. Raulie
What is your build and SP?
Check the following FIX: Errors may be generated in the tempdb database when you create and then drop many temporary tables in SQL Server 2005
When was the last time the DBCC DBREINDEX & CHECKDB has been scheduled or executed? Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.
Mohammad – It is Build 3790: Service Pack 1 none of the errors in the KBA article have been found an my error logs. Satya – There is a maintenance job that runs every Sunday. I have not seen any allocation errors reported. I ran DBCC CHECKDB WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS last Friday and did not find any errors. Raulie
Are you still experiencing this error? If yes, run the sql trace with error and warning events and see what SPID is causing this and what is the sql statement/procedure it is executing… MohammedU.