Alternative for random sort | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Alternative for random sort

Is there any alternative solution for sorting records randomly without using ORDER BY NEWID()? Any ideas will be highly appreciated. Thanks,
Jon M HTH Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
If you don’t like cursors, you could do something like select rand((10000.0000 * rand() * Table_ID)), Table_ID
from Your_Table
order by 1 I don’t know the validity of how random the order generated is, but it doesn’t produce a consistent list. The rand() gives you a random multiplier each time you run it and therefore a different seed each time. If you want a truely random order this may not work, but if you want a list ordered differently each time this gives you an answer. (I wouldn’t have thought it would be any quicker than using newid() though.) Why the aversion to newid()? Regards, Robert.
quote:Originally posted by Jon M Is there any alternative solution for sorting records randomly without using ORDER BY NEWID()? Any ideas will be highly appreciated. Thanks,
Jon M
Why do you want not to use RowId()? Because it is useful if the table has millions of records.
Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail