any command to read event viewer from QA | SQL Server Performance Forums

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any command to read event viewer from QA

any command to read event viewer from QA ?
Like the command xp_readerrorlog to capture the sql error log ? xp_logevent is to put the out put of a query in eventlog.
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It is not available until SQL 2000 version, SQL 2005 has that capability from Management Studio. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
dinesh, The url you have given is informative but the process is little complicated.I wanted a similar process what i m following for capturing sqlerrorlog (mentioned below ) -here no need to dts package to update cuz i dont need for future analysis at the cost of space. To capture sqlserver errorlog i’m executing xp_readerrorlog -> insertting in to a table for last 10 minuts -> putting the required content like server name, error mssg in to a cursor -> send the email with servername and error mssg. its a job which i schduled for each 10 minuts. Advantage of this is no need of me to maintain the data, have the option to change what information i want so that i can change the logic on needbasis.

Then you need to wait until SQL 2005 is deployed at your end, if not Dinesh’s reference will work. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.