backup strategy | SQL Server Performance Forums

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backup strategy

I have to manage a SQL Server DB who is used by a web application – server A. We have also an other server for special situations (disaster, for example) – server B
Both have installed a 2003 Win OS and a 2000 SQL Server Standard Edition.
Q : What kind of backup /restore strategy I need to obtain the best performance?

Luis Martin
Moderator All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.
As you’re using SQL standard edition there will be no wizard to setup log shipping and refer to the article mentioned by Luis in order to avail warm-standby and you can use log shipping to feed transaction logs from one database to another on a constant basis. Continually backing up the transaction logs from a source database and then copying and restoring the logs to a destination database keeps the destination database synchronized with the source database. And ensure to maintain full network resources between the primary and secondary servers without any issues which will give better performance in tact. BTW, what kind of RAID is used for data & log files? Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.