Best disk configuration | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Best disk configuration

We are moving from a s2k environment to a new server running Windows 2003 server 64bit and S2k5 64bit. The new server is:
a Dell 1950 with 2 x 3.00Ghz dual core xeon processors 2x2Mb cache
8Gb memory
2 x 143Gb 15k disks (internal)
MD100 with 4 x 73Gb (10k) and 10 x 36Gb (15k) drives
Perc 5/i
Perc 5/e This will be running just the single Production database (40Gb), which will be replicated to another server, so there is a distribution database as well. I am in 2 minds as to which way the disks should be configured, either using Raid10 and partitioning or using Raid 1 pairs and multiple filegroups. I would appreciate any advice on what would be the optimal setup for the above hardware.
Graeme Ross what is speaks. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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