Best SQL server config for app with 150 connection | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Best SQL server config for app with 150 connection

I recently took a new job as a SQL Admin/Citrix Admin/VE Specialist and the last server that I built was a little over a year ago when using Ultra 320 SCSI hard drives, how do SAS drives compare to the Ultra 320 SCSI. I am planning on installing SQL 2005 Enterprise since the company wants all the possible reporting options and to be able to us all the possible recovery options that come with this edition. What kind of server would be my best bet the company is a preferred Dell customer. I would like to give them a couple of proposals one being the more costly with a SAN (will need to also request training on the SAN) which is what other team members want in order to get the first SAN for the company and the other proposal a less costly scenario with disaster recovery options. I would like to make certain that I get enough of a machine that I have great performance and room to grow. This app is going to be implemented corporate wide and handle all business transactions very important to the company so what should I go with for disaster recovery options. Users will access the app on either Terminal server or Citrix servers and the app will interact with this SQL 2005 Enterprise server. Any and all information that you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ed Mitchell
SQL Admin for a reference on the hardware configuration. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
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