Cannot add update or delete a job | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Cannot add update or delete a job

When I am trying to delete a job which is of no use now I am getting the following error message.How to delete this job
Error 14274:"Cannot add update or delete a job(or its steps or schedule)that originated from an MSX server"
Is this job created locally or from another server as a remote job ? If it has been created remotely, then you have to delete it from that server.<br /><br />If it is a local job, has the name of this server changed recently ? Check the ‘Originating_server’ column of msdb..sysjobs table, to see if it shows the correct name of the server. If not, you may have to update this column to reflect the correct name (I know gurus in this forum hate me for giving this advice <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />
Take help from this article to resolve the issue. Satya SKJ
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