Change recovery model on the fly | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Change recovery model on the fly

Is it possible/will it cause any problems to change recovery model on the fly for a production database? —
"Real programmers don’t document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand"
Not as I aware it will cause any issues for a normal database. If the database is accessed more frequently and while the Tlog jobs are in process changing this option may cause issues. By using ALTER DATABASE statement you can set the recovery model :
… RECOVERY { FULL | BULK_LOGGED | SIMPLE } .. Refer to books online for more information.
Satya SKJ

Ok, thanx. I think I’ll wait until tonight just in case…don’t wanna risk anything… —
"Real programmers don’t document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand"
Also, it is recommended to take a full database backup after changing from Simple to FULL or viceversa
In any case BACKUP saves…. _________
Satya SKJ
