column change | SQL Server Performance Forums

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column change

what’s the best way to change a column name in a published table?
(sql2k trans. rep)

There may be different ways to do so..but I found below one intresting to use.. First you remove column form published table..then alter it..after then add again in replication.
Drops a column from an existing table article that has been published. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database. sp_repladdcolumn
Adds a column to an existing table article that has been published. Allows the new column to be added to all publishers that publish this table, or just add the column to a specific publication that publishes the table. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database.
Deepak Kumar –An eye for an eye and everyone shall be blind
this drops the column from the table all together.
i need to retain data. must be a better way.
and i need to modify 7 publisher column names.

I would follow Deepak’s suggestion and for the data purpose you can DTS out the required columns and DTS in once the modification is finished. Satya SKJ
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