Connection Probs in SQL Server 2000 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Connection Probs in SQL Server 2000

Hi [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />]<br /><br />I am using the SQL server 2000 as the database in my application. The <br /><br />server was ruunin fine but just now the SQl Server is not able to <br /><br />start. i mean the SQL Server Agent is not running. when i am tryin to <br /><br />connect to the exisiting database server it does not connect and when a new server is being registered the error is still the same…i.e. <br /><br /><b>(Connection Open…network error), </b>the database is local to the sytem my application is running so i presume there aren’t any network probs as such. <br />wht can be the root cause of the prob.. <br />do let mw know if somebody can help me out in this regard as i am not <br />even able to take the backup of my database.<br />Is there anyway to backup the old database when the server is not <br />connecting. and if i reinstall the server and copy the data files of <br />the old server onto the new one, will it work??<br /><br />i’ll be really greatful, if someone can come up with somethin here<br /><br />Thanks<br />Shashank Arora<br />
Is it the sql server service that wont start, or just sql server agent ?
Do you get an error when you try to (re)start the sql server service ? Note the sql server agent isnt required in order to connect to your sql server, so you might want to forget about agent until you at least have your database backed up. Also disable any local firewall software you might have running (its a long shot, but worth mentioning). The first thing I would check (perhaps after a reboot), is the client network library, from the start menu.
True, first thing on these kind of errors to check for netlib parameters and setup on client and server. Also go thru SQL error log for any other information. Satya SKJ