Database 'foodmart 2000' does not exist | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Database ‘foodmart 2000’ does not exist

hi all , I m trying to connect to a remote machine ,though i have as2000 on my local machine with win2003 server.
when i try to connect other machine using functions using normal exe it works fine .
but whenever i try to connect other machine using functions in a dll it gives an error " Database ‘foodmart 2000’ does not exist." what should i do . Please help me . thanks kuldeep
kuldeep see this post is a Spanish post, please write again in the english post. Thanks. Bye
The Pipo Dba.
I’ve moved this post.
Luis Martin
Moderator One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important
Bertrand Russell
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You can’t have a blank in a SQL Server database, so it can’t be a server-based message about an existing SQL Server database. Pardon my ignorance, but what software is "as2000"?
Do not post multiple (duplicate) posts, it will create confusion. Refer to link for further discussion. Satya SKJ
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