Database Owners | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Database Owners

As I am makingchanging databases I have, I started thinking about who should be the owners of what database. Should they all be owned by sa or should I break them out, like the WebAppDB1 is owned by BJohnson10, who is works mainly with this db as he is lead developer of the Web App that uses the database. Joe Janka
In my oppinion all databases should be sa.
Luis Martin
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by default SA is the owner of all database which are created in that instance. Instead of that, according to the usability, we do create users and assign the rights. In my envirnment, I have more than 1 owners for each database, coz they are responsible for the object creations in those databases, and they are free to do that. Instead of this, we have some other users who has only select and other roles
After sp_changedbowner is executed, the new owner is known as the dbo user inside the database. The dbo has implied permissions to perform all activities in the database. If any use creates the database that has SYSADMIN privileges then that login will be the owner of database. You should use SP_CHANGEDBOWNER to change it to SA which is a good practice. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Use sa as the owner. Why do you have more than one user creating objects in the database??? Do you have all the tables listed as owned by dbo, or do you have the individual objects owned by multiple users? MeanOldDBA
[email protected] When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.
I think Derrick asked the question to me. Ok let me explain the requirement of multiple owners. I am the DBA out here, I do have my roles in maintenance. But my developers are creating objects in the database according to their developmental requirements. How can I restrict them, and if I hold the ownership with me and, then I have to be there to create objects whenever they needed. Yes I do use SA for changing owners, user creation and rest of DBA related work.
Why do you want to allow developers to create objects in production database?
If not choose one of the developer of a specific user name with privileges, and control the creation of objects with a change management in development environment too. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Yes Satya,
In my environment, the developing activity is done from a team of 15. They are accessing database through Trusted connection(Windows Auth), and I have assigned "db_owner". Once they tested, they needs to implement it in Production. Yes there is one user for the object creation and implementations, which is independant to any windows user. -Johnson
Oh, that clears the doubt and being it is development environment you cannot apply few rules to attain a task. I don’t see any issues with your approach. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.