Database services is listening on 2 ports | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Database services is listening on 2 ports

Folks, Today my investigation shows that the database services is listening on 2 different ports, this is a named instance instead of a default one Based on the log file,
" 2007-02-05 10:53:15.88 Server Dedicated admin connection support was established for listening locally on port 2709. " Based on the SQL Server configuration manager:
TCP/IP properties:
TCP Dynamic ports of IP1 and IP2 are 0
TCP Dynamic ports of IPAll are 2708 Database services process ID is 1844 Based on the netstat command
Found process 1844 is listening on 2 ports, they are 2708 and 2709.
Folks, is it proper? thank you!
Bug explorer/finder/seeker/locator
It is by desing…Nothing wrong…read the following… DAC Port SQL Server listens for the DAC on a dedicated TCP/IP port dynamically assigned upon Database Engine startup. The error log contains the port number the DAC is listening on. MohammedU.
Mohammed, thank you. I also found that even the database services is listening on the default port, but there are still lots of connections established via different port number. So just curious, how these connections are established? ——————
Bug explorer/finder/seeker/locator