Datatype to use for phone numbers in SQL Server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Datatype to use for phone numbers in SQL Server

What is the best datatype to use for storing phone numbers in SQL Server? What are the reasons behind using a specific datatype?
I read somewhere that using text is beneficial.
Why not use varchar versus test?
I think varchar is enough
Where did you read text can be used for this? Can you provide us that link?
Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
Whoever told you to use text was an idiot!!! Text would be used if you wanted to store the Yellow Pages for every single city in the US all in one big BLOB and never do anything useful with it. /RANT MeanOldDBA
[email protected] When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.
Best is varchar, and include check constraint or else u can deffine your own data type depending on the requirment.
quote:Originally posted by artfuldodger What is the best datatype to use for storing phone numbers in SQL Server? What are the reasons behind using a specific datatype?
I read somewhere that using text is beneficial.
Why not use varchar versus test?

Thanks Guys. I found it in one of my searches for info on SQL Server.
Nevertheless, I did what you guys suggested.
I used varchar.