Dates of SQL SPs installation | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Dates of SQL SPs installation

I want to know the dates when different Service Packs for SQL Server and Windows Server has been installed on my system and with which account.
And how can I uninstall the Service Packs for SQL Server and Windows Server and the dates when it got uninstalled and by which login. Thanks for the help in advance.
Manoj Verma

I’m not aware of any way unless you have enabled NT auditing on the server before the service packs were installed. You can SOMETIMES uninstall the service packs through add/remove program, at other times you’d have to restore the box from tape… Cheers
What do you mean by ‘You can SOMETIMES uninstall the service packs through add/remove program, at other times you’d have to restore the box from tape…’. Why is it sometimes and not always and you are talking about which service pack(OS or SQL)? And if we have NT auditing enabled on the server then does it really store the information about the dates of the Service Packs? Regards,
Manoj Verma
<br />Hi Manoj,<br /><br />sometimes, because some service pack allow themselves to be uninstalled and some don’t. This can be for either SQL or the OS. It depends on what the service pack actually does<br /><br />Auditing won’t give you a nice easy Install SPx for x entry. But it should tell you things like when reboots occurred, when msi installer was started and stopped (this entry might even say which product, I can’t remember off hand) Again it will depend on the specifics of the service pack as to what will be recorded and how to determine what happened…<br /><br />I don’t think that there is an easy answer here… We rely on a change control process and trust that people follow it, or are prepared to lose their job if they don’t and are found out… <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-5.gif’ alt=’;-)’ /><br /><br />Cheers<br />Twan
I don’t think SQL Service Packs can be unninstalled at all. The only solution is reinstalling SQL Server. Gaurav
Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment- L. Ron Hubbard
