Default Schema | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Default Schema

I have started working on SQL 2005 recently.
I still have to go a long way ahead…
Pls help in letting me know,what exactly is the Default Schema?I am not able to change this as well. What does Schema owned by this User signify?
schema is container. objects are in a schema. users have access to schema
if user owns a schema, you can’t drop the user before changing the ownership. when you are accessing a object it has to be select * from DBname.Schma.Object if you are accessing your defaut schema you don’t have to write schema —————————————-
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If DEFAULT_SCHEMA is left undefined, the user will have dbo as its default schema. DEFAULT_SCHEMA can be set to a schema that does not currently exist in the database. Therefore, you can assign a DEFAULT_SCHEMA to a user before that schema is created. DEFAULT_SCHEMA cannot be specified for a user that is mapped to a Windows group, a certificate, or an asymmetric key. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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