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Please help me out how to get back the deleted rows. i know that it is a logged operation. By mistaken i have removed some records in the table.
if you have transaction log backup, restore it using stop At option. Ref How to: Restore to a Point in Time (Transact-SQL) in BOL Madhu
for this ur recevry model should be full instead of simple —————————————-
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True and best thing is you can restore the backup as a different database and use the DTS to select those deleted rows. Having the RESTORE operation from last good know backup will also loose the database updates since last backup, in this case I feel DTS is only saviour. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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As Satya mentioned restore as different db on the same server if you have free space then you can use CROSS DB join to get the data.
If you are restoring on to different server then you may need to use SSIS/DTS or linked server to get the data.
Thanks a lot your suggestions
And other suggestion is you should always do Updates and Deletes in TEST server or TEST tables
Then you can apply in production Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail