Double installation? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Double installation?

Hi Group,
During installation of SQL 2000, one of the options was to use an existing server or create a new Server. I chose new Server (with the understanding that I did not have an existing SQL Server installation).
My PC is both my Client and Server.
Upon successful installation, when I created a new SQL Server I had to use ComputerNameComputerName. Can I change the installation/settings so that it uses just ComputerName as the Server Name? I have to use the same parameters for Query Analyzer. Why is this so? Kind Regards

I believe during the installation you haven’t selected to install as a DEFAULT instance.
To do so you need to uninstall the existing installation and reinstall while choose to install as default instance. BOL refers
With Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, you have the option of installing multiple copies, or instances of SQL Server on one computer. When setting up a new installation of SQL Server 2000 or maintaining an existing installation, you can specify it as: A default instance of SQL Server.
This instance is identified by the network name of the computer on which it is running. Applications using client software from earlier versions of SQL Server can connect to a default instance. SQL Server version 6.5 or SQL Server version 7.0 servers can operate as default instances. However, a computer can have only one version functioning as the default instance at a time. A named instance of SQL Server.
This instance is identified by the network name of the computer plus an instance name, in the format <computername><instancename>. Most applications must use SQL Server 2000 client components to connect to a named instance. However, the SQL Server version 7.0 Client Network Utility can be used to configure a server alias name that the SQL Server version 7.0 client components can use to connect to a named instance of SQL Server 2000. For more information about this, see SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server version 7.0 or Communicating with Multiple Instances. A computer can run any number of named instances of SQL Server concurrently. A named instance can run at the same time as an existing installation of SQL Server version 6.5 or SQL Server version 7.0. The instance name cannot exceed 16 characters. A new instance name must begin with a letter, an ampersand (&), or an underscore (_), and can contain numbers, letters, or other characters. SQL Server sysnames and reserved names should not be used as instance names. For example, the term "default" should not be used as an instance name because it is a reserved name used by Setup. Single and multiple instances of SQL Server 2000 (default or named) are available using the SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition, the SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, or the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
I think you allready have another SQL instalation.
In this case, yes you have to use computernamecomputername.
Also you can delete all SQL instances and install SQL again. Luis Martin
Moderator All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.