Drilldown in SQl Reporting Service | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Drilldown in SQl Reporting Service

I’m new to SQL Reporting Service. Now only I’ve started studying that. My question is,
I wanna list out my product sales for each month for each keywords. For example, I have 4 products, some 15 keywords (its an ecommerce site. Visitor coming from a particluar keyword and buying some products. Wanna list out sales for each keywords and product for Every month. To know the quarter sales wanna see the sales and product name for particular keyword). I’m having reports for each month sales. like, Keywords Product A Product B Product C Product D
Keyword 1 125 24 275 12
Keyword 2 456 245 67 1223 For quarter sales, I want to see the sales and keywords list for each month and for each products in the same report. I don’t want to create one another report for each and every product and month. If I want to see the sales and keywords for a particular product I want a report like, For Product 1
Keywords Month1 Month2 Month3 Month4
Keyword 1 125 24 275 12
Keyword 2 456 245 67 1223 and For Month 1
Keywords Product A Product B Product C Product D
Keyword 1 125 24 275 12
Keyword 2 456 245 67 1223 Just by using drilldown I want this report. If any other method is possible, please tell me. It’s very urgent. Please Help me. I’m very new to SQL Reporting Service. Started studying before 2 days. Thanks………….